Presentations on 'hearing voices' at conferences

ISPS favicon Added Oct 23, 2019: Netherlands flag Germany flag Our staff gave a talk about our treatment for schizophrenic voices at the 2019 International Society for Psychological Approaches for Psychosis conference in Rotterdam on August 26-30. He also gave a poster presentation on the same topic at the 7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research in Munich on Sept 26-28.

Swiss conference on peak states and techniques

ISPS favicon Added May 21, 2019: A conference and get-together in Switzerland Switzerland flag Aug 22-25 for students and therapists trained by the Institute, as well as for interested laypeople (for some of the days). This is a gathering of colleagues in the psychobiology field, to practice recently developed techniques and get other updates, and to test new, experimental psycho-immunology processes. Contact us more information.

Presentation at 13th World Congress on Brain Injury

ISPS favicon Added Mar 5, 2019: Canada flag Dr. Mary Pellicer and Dr. Kirsten Lykkegaard are presenting our treatment for traumatic brain injury at the 13th World Conference in Brain Injury in Toronto, Canada March 13-16 2019. Title: "Fast Resolution to Chronic TBI Symptoms by Improving Brain Resilience".