The Hemophilia Project
May 3, 2011
This project involves finding a way to cure genetic disorders that are considered incurable with today's medical technology. We're currently focused on hemophilia. Currently, we are only working on this project occasionally, whenever we have staff time available.
Our processes do not require drugs or any other kind of physical intervention. We use only state of the art psychological techniques.
Hemophilia Research Clients
If you are interested in becoming a client for an experimental treatment for hemophilia, please read the hemophilia disclosure and liability form for the study (PDF file, 112KB).
Contacting Us
To explore working on this project, or to become a possible client, phone John Heinegg at 250-335-0470 in western Canada.
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Revision History
1.1 May 3, 2011: Reduced the scope of the project to just hemophilia.
1.0 June 11, 2007: First description of the Genetic Disorders Project.