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The Alzheimer's / Dementia Project
April 17, 2023

April 17, 2023: We've developed a new treatment using our second generation psycho-immunology approach. It was derived in a staff member whose father had died of the disease; she had the subcellular disease marker but no observable symptoms. We are now doing the first stage of safety testing with healthy staff. Our target is full memory recovery within a day or two of treatment if it works as expected (aside from normal memory loss due to aging). If you are interested in participating in our study, please contact us. Thank you.

Nov. 17, 2017: In the last few months, the Alzheimer's field has also started to move towards the idea of a bacterial cause for the disease. This would be in agreement with our observation of a bacterial marker. Below in the references are links to two papers summarizing some of the work various researchers have done over the years looking at this possibility.

Alzheimer's and dementia, tragically, are incurable and progressive. Research in this area continues with attempts to find the cause of this disease(s), or at least reliable biological markers so it can be accurately diagnosed.

In September of 2015 we took a first look at this disorder using our subcellular psychobiology approach. We started with five individuals in a group home for dementia patients, looking for a biological marker for the disease in their primary cell. And we found one. Every single one of them had a nucleus that was completely filled to the bursting with round bacterial balls (oddly of different colors). We then looked at an individual in the first stage of the disease, and his nucleus also had the marker, but only partially - the nucleus was only about 60-70% full of the bacterial balloons. Hence, even with the small sample size, it is very likely that we've found a reliable and consistent marker for the disease.

Is this nuclear bacterial problem the actual cause of the symptoms? Well, it may be, or it may simply be an opportunistic infection, with the real underlying cause some other disease process. At this point in the investigation, we simply don't yet know. We do know that problems in the nucleus show up as problems in the person's brain and spinal cord, so at least we're found a marker in the right area of the cell.

We'll keep an update on our work in this area on this webpage. Unfortunately, this is a very low priority project for us (due to a simple lack of staff and money for this problem), so we will work on it when we can.


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Revision History
April 17, 2023: Second generation treatment developed.
Feb 1, 2018: First generation treatment developed.
Aug 2, 2016: Introduced our work on the cause and treatment of dementia.
