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Examples of ‘Pay for Results’ Contracts
From Appendix 2 of the Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook (2014)
© 2014 by Dr. Grant McFetridge
Table of Contents
Example 2: General therapy contract using a trauma phrase
Example 3: Predetermined criteria contract for the Silent Mind Technique
Example 4: Predetermined criteria contract for CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome)
Suggested reading
Chapter 3: 'Pay for Results'
Appendix 10: 'Pay for Results' - Fee Calculation Guide
Appendix 11: 'Pay for Results' - Statistical and Mathematical Modeling for Fee Calculations
To download a PDF version of this article, right click here.
In this appendix we’ll look at several different styles of ‘pay for results’ contracts. They vary from simple and informal to very detailed, depending on the therapist or the client’s needs. For the most part, therapists simply use their own template and plug in information while doing the first interview (and perhaps diagnosis), so that the whole process is done in a few minutes and they can hand or email the agreement to the client on the spot. Whether the therapist asks for prepayment or payment after some set time interval is up to them or can also vary from client to client.
Your contract serves several purposes. Obviously, it defines the criteria for success and your fee; but just as importantly, it helps minimize disagreements after treatment about whether you actually healed the issue or not. This can happen because of the apex phenomenon – many clients literally cannot remember that they had the problem you healed. The contract helps to address this (as does video or audio recordings of the initial interview). Less frequently, clients sometimes have unrealistic expectations, and having the exact success criteria in black and white can help address this when they complain that their ‘real’ (and sometimes completely new) problem is not gone. If their ‘real’ problem is not gone, even though it was not in the contract, smart therapists will usually offer to treat that problem or give a refund (writing down the new success criteria) even though they actually healed the client’s issue. Remember, word of mouth is your best friend – and if you were not experienced enough to realize what the client was really trying to ask you to heal in the first place, then this becomes a cheap and valuable training experience.
If a client contacts the Institute because of a contract dispute, the first thing we will do is ask to see the contract so we can check if the agreed upon criteria have been met. If the therapist did not write one (perhaps because they could not believe the client could ever forget their issue!), the therapist is automatically required to give an immediate refund. If the agreement terms were not met the therapist is also required to give an immediate refund. In this later case, this can happen because the results criteria were too broad and vague; or it was not something that a therapist could really deliver or verify; or they offered to do too much and failed in part of the agreement. Therapists quickly learn to write more focused contracts when this sort of thing happens.
In some cases, the client will offer a donation for time spent even if there was no success. As long as this is from their heart and not subtly coerced or via some kind of emotional blackmail, it is acceptable. A helpful and meaningful way to respond to their kindness is by putting this towards pro bono clients.
Institute certified therapists also use contracts with two different types of success criteria: ones where the client and the therapist come to a mutual agreement on what is to be healed; and ones using an Institute licensed process with predefined criteria (to ensure quality control around a given disease process).
A typical contract usually includes the following:
- The treatment price.
- The client’s exact wording describing what they want healed (this can be very important later!).
- It can be helpful to include the client’s current SUDS rating about their issue. This is useful later to show the client that yes, they really did have emotional upset about that issue.
- The appointment time.
- How to contact the therapist in case of emergency.
- How payment is handled (if it is held on deposit, payable after treatment, or some other arrangement).
- The length of time you give the client to verify that the problem is gone before payment is due (if needed).
- What happens if the symptom returns (they can get a refund or more treatment to see if the problem can be eliminated).
- Verification that they signed liability and informed consent and have no remaining questions; and filled out the patient history form.
- Verify their permission to use any testimonial (with or without their name as they specified).
Example 1: General therapy contract using symptoms
This is an example of a client who wanted distinct physical symptoms (and associated feelings) eliminated. Note in this case a trauma phrase would not be relevant or appropriate. These sorts of contract range from pain, to back alignment, to PMS symptoms, and so on.
Dear -------,
For our pay-for-results criteria, we agree to treat and eliminate your fear and anxiety about being sick, throwing up and having intestinal cramps in public places. You will test the treatment by driving distances and being around people away from home.
Plan on three sessions, spread over two weeks (and one more if needed).
If we eliminate the issue, the fee is $-----. If you decide to cancel treatment before the third session (if needed), the cancellation fee will be $200. Payment is to be made 3 weeks after we see substantial results – if that does not happen there is no fee.
If you have any problems related to the therapy process after we start, feel free to call me at home at any time. If I am not available, contact my colleague ------- at -----------.
Thank you, and we look forward to working with you.
Signed -----------
Example 2: General therapy contract using a trauma phrase
Many contracts just use a simple trigger phrase to identify the problem in the client’s mind.
Dear ------------,
I am confirming the session on Saturday at your 12:30pm (US Central timezone).
Attached is the liability form. Please read, sign, witness (anyone will do), and email it to me or mail it to -----------.
For our pay-for-results criteria, we agree to treat the following, and eliminate all the feelings around the phrase involving the husband and previous intimate relationships:
"I have to take care of the person or I'm going to die." The feelings are panic and anxiety, with numbness on and in the mouth triggered by these emotions. My current level of distress (SUDS from 0 to 10) is ______.
You will then test the treatment by sending divorce papers to your husband shortly after the first session. We agree to re-treat you the following weekend, if needed. We may do a third short session if needed.
If we do not heal the issue in three sessions, there is no fee. If we eliminate the issue, the fee is $-----. If you decide to cancel treatment before the third session (if needed), the cancellation fee will be $200.
Signed -----------
Example 3: Predetermined criteria contract for the Silent Mind Technique
The Silent Mind Technique is a licensed process that certified therapists use with clients to eliminate all ribosomal voices. For this process the Institute specifies predetermined criteria, although the therapist can adjust them as needed to fit the client’s wording and situation. There are also several other Institute processes with predetermined criteria.
Dear --------,
As we discussed on the phone today (July 27, 2014), we still need one or two recent pictures of you for our files. A phone photo would be fine. We’ll need it before we start treatment.
Thank you for signing the liability and informed consent forms, and filling out your patient history form.
We’re scheduled to work with you at your 6pm (8am in Australia). As we discussed, we’ll need to do the treatment three times - the first time should get rid of your voices, but by the next day they may return. We do a second treatment 2 to 4 days later, and then a final check (and minor treatment if needed) in about 2 weeks to make sure the problem does not return.
This is a charge for results’ agreement - this means if we don’t meet our agreement, there is no fee. Note that we do not agree to eliminate other issues. For example, your childhood abuse will not be treated with this process. As we also discussed, we do not know if your visual hallucinations will be eliminated or not. You should not expect that they will go away with this treatment.
We agree to eliminate the client’s autonomous voice chatter; i.e., background thoughts you hear when you are trying to meditate (that can sound like other people’s voices). We will test the results by having the client meditate for a few minutes and listen. These voices feel like they are in fixed locations in space, and have fixed emotional tones.
After the process, the client will have the sensation that their head feels empty, quiet, open and large (like they are now standing on an empty stage). Note that the client will soon become used to this feeling and it will be hard to notice it later.
The fee is $------- payable in 3 weeks after the change is stable. If the voices return, there is no fee.
If treatment is successful, you might have a reaction to losing your voices. Although infrequent, some clients have feelings of loneliness after their voices leave. If you have this issue, please let us know so we can treat it in the follow-up sessions. Some find that people they are close to (spouses in particular) feel like you are more distant or aloof, even though you have not changed. This is a normal outcome, due to the fact you don’t unconsciously connect to them in the same way. This issue passes with time as they adjust to your new condition.
If you have any other problems arise as an immediate outcome of treatment, contact us immediately. In Australia, phone ------------.
Signed -----------
Example 4: Predetermined criteria contract for CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome)
This process is currently only available through the Institute’s clinics. As we develop new treatments, there is usually a lag of a year or two as they go through more testing and optimization before they are released to our certified therapists.
Dear -------,
As we discussed on the phone, here is a contract for our treatment for your chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms. Please review it for changes before treatment starts at 2pm on -------------.
For a sum of $------- payable after three weeks without symptoms, we agree to treat your chronic fatigue syndrome so that: "the overwhelming fatigue will be gone, to normal levels, like I had before the disease started less the fact I haven’t had exercise for a long time and I’m older than when this started." (My CFS symptom is: debilitating fatigue = bedbound.) Be aware that we are not treating other symptoms, and you should not assume that they will go away with this treatment. This agreement also does not include any issues that resulted from the chronic fatigue, or other issues that occurred before or during his illness.
You have already signed a liability agreement; and read the disclosure form on the PeakStates Therapy website, and have understood what you read without further questions.
As I mentioned, after the symptoms are gone (assuming we are successful), we will do two more sessions to make sure the healing is stable. The first will probably be in the first week, the second either the following week or the next after. It is not uncommon to have the problem return after the first successful treatment - this is why we plan on the follow up treatments, to eliminate anything we missed.
We may also use your write-up on our website to help others recognize the symptoms we treat, but that we won’t use your name without your permission.
If you have any questions, or don’t agree to these conditions, please let me know before the treatment starts.
Signed ----------
Suggested Reading
- The Ethics of Caring: Honoring the Web of Life in Our Professional Healing Relationships by Kylea Taylor and Jack Kornfield (1995).
- "Pay for Results" by Dr. Grant McFetridge. This PDF has four parts:
- "Understanding 'Pay for Results' for Therapists". This is Chapter 3 from the Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook.
- "Examples of 'Pay for Results' Contracts". This is Appendix 2 from the Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook.
- "Pay for Results' – Fee Computation Guide". This is Appendix 10 from the Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook.
- “Pay for Results – Statistical and Mathematical Modeling for Fee Calculations”. It derives the underlying equations and statistical models for optimum fees used in appendix 10 for fixed-fee and variable fee pricing for therapists.
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Revision History
Oct 18, 2014: Put this appendix from the Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook online.