The Multiple Sclerosis Project
May 3, 2011
Presently we are only working with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), not neuromuscular problems in general. We are presently in the investigation phase for a technique to eliminating the symptoms of MS.
A request for clients with MS:
Thank you for your interest in our Multiple Sclerosis project. At this time, the Institute is currently looking for people with medically diagnosed MS to participate in a study of our symptom elimination technique. If you are interested, please read the material on this webpage. If you have questions or wish to become involved, call our office at 250-509-0514 in western Canada.
What takes place:
The process does not require drugs or any other kind of physical intervention. We use only state of the art psychological techniques. Initial testing shows that symptom relief is immediate - numbness is eliminated immediately, and most muscular strength is recovered within a day. Our current process is not stable - the symptoms return - we are still working on improving this process.
Disclosure and Liability Form
Our disclosure and liability form is provided here for people who are interested in participating in our study.
Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
MS has a variety of symptoms that vary from person to person, and to some extent over time in the same person. If you are involved in the treatment study, or intend to become involved, we have attached to this webpage an MS symptom tracking form.
Project Staff:
When our new technique is finished the testing and evaluation phase, we will need therapists who are trained in our techniques to work at our clinics. If you would like to explore joining us in the future, please contact us in western Canada. Basic certification is required before you would be accepted for training in this process.
...or visit our Forum

Revision History
1.1 May 3, 2011: Reduced the scope of the project to just Multiple Sclerosis.
1.0 June 11, 2007: First description of the Neuromuscular Disease Project.