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Institute (ISPS) Articles
Jan 9, 2024
A variety of different discoveries have come out of the Institute's work with peak states of consciousness, the triune brain model, and our prenatal regression.
Written for therapists, this article explains the 'pay (charge) for results' principles and how to implement them. It is a copy of a chapter (with relevant appendixes) from the Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook.
Clinical Benefits of Peak States Therapies (2007)
by Grant McFetridge from the Institute for the Study of Peak States.
"This article, written for Positive Health Magazine (UK) in 2007 describes the underlying biology of the Primary Cell that ties peak states, trauma, and developmental events together. With this understanding, new ways to treat formerly incurable diseases can be derived."
Case Study: Eliminating Schizophrenic 'Voices' by Healing Prenatal Trauma (2007)
by Grant McFetridge from the Institute for the Study of Peak States.
"This article was written for Positive Health Magazine (UK) in 2007. It describes our Silent Mind Technique™, which is used to eliminate the non-physical 'voices' that many schizophrenics and, in fact, many typical people can hear, and gives a dramatic case study as an example."
Peak States of Consciousness: Acquiring an exceptional quality of life (2004)
by Grant McFetridge from The Institute for the Study of Peak States.
"This short article was written in 2004 for a magazine in Oregon. It briefly describes peak states and the new techniques to acquire them that are now appearing."
Peak States of Consciousness and Quality of Life (2004)
by Grant McFetridge from The Institute for the Study of Peak States.
"This short article was written in 2004 for a magazine. It briefly describes peak states and the new techniques to acquire them that are now appearing. I particularly like it, because I wrote it for a skeptical, practical audience."
Placenta Trauma (May 2, 2002)
by Nemi Nath, Past President of the International Breathwork Foundation
"This extremely well-written article covers the effects of placental trauma in a person's presenting symptoms, how it shows up during breathwork sessions, and with various birthing practices. When we read Nemi's article, we immediately decided to invite her to become involved with the Institute."
Using ISPS techniques with addictions (2002)
by Matt Fox, an addiction counsellor in the US.
"Here is a collection of articles on how our ISPS techniques, developed for our work with peak states and prenatal trauma have been applied to addictions.
- Whole-Hearted Healing and Addictions
- Some Ideas on the application of Triune Brain Theory (TBT) to Substance Abuse Counseling
The Distant Personality Release (DPR) Process and the Resistant Client (2002)
by Matt Fox.
This article describes how Matt has used the Distant Personality Release to reduce or eliminate resistance to healing in his addiction clients. He gives five case examples, and notes that he no longer appears to experience this problem with clients.
Undoing Meridian Therapies (2001)
by Grant McFetridge, Kate Sorensen, and Gary Craig.
"This is an article about an experiment we ran to see if we could 'undo' the healing effects of a meridian (energy) therapy, along with a way to counteract the possible problem we may have uncovered."
Results of a large scale test to bring people into the Inner Peace peak state of consciousness (2000)
by Grant McFetridge from the Institute for the Study of Peak States
This was an article written for the Ozark Research Institute's Journal about the first large scale test of the Inner Peace Process. It was done with the voluntary participation of 100 men and women at the Ozark Research Institute's school, September 2000.
Eliminating Physical Pain (1999)
by Grant McFetridge, with comments by Gary Craig, developer of EFT.
Gary Craig writes: "How do you feel ABOUT your body having pain? Grant McFetridge offers another way of approaching the emotional causes to pain. He asks people to focus on how they feel ABOUT their body having pain. Seems like a good idea to me--a direct way to get to the emotional causes. He reports very high success rates and shares his method & theory with us below. Thank you Grant."
How to know when the healing is done (1999)
by Grant McFetridge, with comments by Gary Craig, developer of EFT.
Gary Craig writes: "It's time for a little philosophy. Grant McFetridge sent me his thoughts on "how to know when the healing is done." He is an insightful, inquisitive fellow and a substantial contributor to this field. Accordingly, I thought you would find his message of interest and so I include it herein. My thoughts on this subject, however, are quite different from Grant's. The contrast between our perspectives should be stimulating."
Spiritual Emergency and the Triune Brain (1997)
This article was written for the Spiritual Emergency Network in the USA. It is still useful for therapists working with clients in various spiritual emergencies.
Revision History:
Jan 9, 2024: Added the 2002 article Placenta Trauma by Nemi Nath.
Sept 22, 2014: Added the article 'Pay for Results' for therapists.
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