Silence the Voices now on Amazon

ISPS favicon Added Dec 16, 2017: Our new book, Silence the Voices: Discovering the Biology of Mind Chatter by Dr. Grant McFetridge is now on sale on Amazon in the US, Europe, and Australia. You can 'look inside the book' on the Amazon websites.
Silence the Voices cover

Video: Alternatives to Conventional Psychological Therapy

ISPS favicon Added March 26, 2017: From our archives, we've put online a 1996 TV interview on "Alternatives to Conventional Psychological Therapy" with Sheelo Bohm and Grant McFetridge. Much of the discussion is still relevant today.

Free Russian PDF books

ISPS favicon Added Mar 8, 2017: Free Russian translation of the Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook and The Whole-Hearted Healing Workbook are online now for downloading as a PDF.
Subcellular Psychobiology cover in Russian. WHH Workbook cover