The Autism Symptom Elimination Study
Dec 7, 2015
The Autism Symptom Elimination Study
The Subcellular Cause of Autism
Long-Term Autism Treatment Results
Autism Client Evaluation Forms
Trauma-based Approaches by Other Researchers
For treatment of Asperger's Syndrome, click here.
Project Updates
December 2015: Developing an improved severe autism treatment
Our original process for treating severe (non-Asperger's) autism, developed in 1999, worked extremely well for 4 out of the 6 autistic children tested. (See our project webpage for a video and written description of what the treatment did and the long term results.) However, we suspended the research because we felt we needed a better understanding of the underlying biology than we had at the time. It took another 16 years, but our understanding of subcellular and developmental psychobiology has grown to the point where we are again restarting the project. For more information, see The Subcellular Cause of Autism webpage.
August 2013: A treatment for Asperger's Syndrome now available
As of July 2013, we now understand the biology of mild autism (Asperger's Syndrome) and have an effective, rapid non-drug treatment for it on a 'pay for results' basis. For more information on the symptoms we can treat, and to contact one of our clinics around the world, go to our clinic website. For the biological explanation, see the Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook, pg. 176. At this time we do not have a treatment at our clinics for more severe autism (head banging, inability to speak, etc).
The Autism Symptom Elimination Study
Thank you for your interest in our autism symptom elimination project. We are investigating the biological cause and searching for a treatment for major autism.
At this time, we have enough clients for this study. Our thanks to the many people and families who have worked with, or continue to work with us on this project.
What takes place:
Our experimental process does not involve any drugs, physical substances or any other kind of physical intervention - instead, we use state-of-the-art psychological healing techniques EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), and WHH (Whole-Hearted Healing). Our basic process involves touching or tapping meridian points while repeating phrases to the sound of music, applied to the parent and/or autistic client. A typical session takes a few hours, and there is typically 3 sessions. Results are fairly immediate.
Consent and Liability Agreement:
If you decide to participate in our study, we will require you to fill out the consent, confidentiality and liability form (which can be downloaded as a pdf file) before you start the treatment procedure. This protects us and also allows us to keep the method proprietary so that we can retain patent rights on the process. All the necessary documentation for prospective clients is included on this web page so that you can read them over at your leisure, to decide if it's something you'd be interested in pursuing.
About the study:
Our process to eliminate the symptoms of autism is still in an experimental stage, and as a participant you can expect several trials of our procedure as we adapt it to your particular needs. You will also be required to fill out an autism symptom evaluation questionnaire to evaluate the degree of autism and results of the process before, during, and after we finish. Note that at this time, we only work with clients with a medically diagnosed form of autism. We will also require the client to get a new medical diagnosis if the treatment appears to be successful. We also require that the client allow us to use their name and contact information as verification of the procedure (if successful).
Because this process is new and experimental, the possibility of unexpected negative reactions or problems occurring does exist. Thus, before proceeding, we will expect you to thoroughly understand the procedure and what to expect out of it so that you can make an informed decision to continue.
There is no charge to be included in this experimental study. When our process is finalized, therapists licensed in our process will follow the core project principle of charging only for results (symptoms gone or reduced greatly).
Contacting Us
To explore working on this project, or to become a possible client, contact us in western Canada.You can also phone us at our office in BC Canada at +1-250-509-0514.
Dr. Grant McFetridge, Director of Research
Institute for the Study of Peak States
- Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook by Dr. Grant McFetridge (2014), pg. 176-177.
- "Autism risk spotted at birth in abnormal placentas" by Karen N. Peart, Yale University News (April 2013).
- "New Theory Of Autism Suggests Symptoms Or Disorder May Be Reversible" by ScienceDaily (April 2009).
- The Autism Book: Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions (2005) by Bobledo and Ham-Kucharski. A good reference for parents.
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Revision History
Dec 7 2015: Restarted the severe autism process development. Moved the section on trauma approaches for autism by other researchers to its own page.
Jan 18, 2014: Added the EFT text because the original material is no longer on a website.
May 4, 2011: Updated this page with our latest conclusions.
November 7, 2007. Added the 'Other Relevant Research' to this page. And moved the 'Autism Client Evalutaion' material to its own webpage.
November 2006. Added 'Autism Client Evaluation' material to the webpage.