Our symposium's schedule of talks
By Shayne McKenzie, CEO
It has been fascinating putting together the talks for this symposium!
We start with an overview of our breakthroughs in this area in a one hour lecture at the start of the symposium on Saturday. After that, you will need to continuously go online to view the list of talks, as we will be adjusting it on the fly during the conference. Click here to see the continuously updated list of times, talks, and presenters on the Institute webpage.
Saturday, April 4 2020 (tentative schedule)
8-9am Pacific Time (17:00-18:00 CEST) Dr. Grant McFetridge (Canada)
Understanding the Institute's approach to psychobiology, with some applications.
9-9:30am Pacific Time (18:00-18:30 CEST) - Dr. Grant McFetridge (Canada)
Questions and answers with the audience.
9:30 - 10am Pacific Time (18:30-19:00 CEST) - Dr. Kirsten Lykkegaard (Denmark)
Paradigm shift - conflicting world views
10-10:30am Pacific Time (19:00-19:30 CEST) - Dr. Celine Guerin (France)
Epigenetics - how it relates to stress and PTSD with implications to psychobiology research
10:30-11:00am Pacific Time (19:30-20:00 CEST) - Jennifer Beattie M.Sc. (Canada)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) treatment
11-11:30am Pacific Time (20:00-20:30 CEST) - Gaetan Klein
Asperger's Syndrome treatment using psychobiology
11:30-12:30am Pacific Time (20:30-21:30 CEST) - Daniel Suboski & Matthew Learning (Canada)
Delivering the future
12:30-1:00pm Pacific Time (21:30-22:00 CEST) - Nemi Nath (Australia)
To be announced
Sunday April 5, 2020 - tentative schedule
8:00-8:30am Pacific Time (17:00-17:30 CEST) - Dr. Kirsten Lykkegaard (Denmark)
Achieving psycho-immunity for viral and bacterial infections, with implications for coronavirus
8:30-9:00am Pacific Time (17:30-18:00 CEST) - Mary Pellicer M.D. (USA)
Using psychobiology to heal chronic symptoms of traumatic brain injury (TBI)
9:00-9:30am Pacific Time (18:00-18:30 CEST) - Mary Pellicer M.D. (USA)
Inner Peace Project or Fogg Behavior Model
10:30-11:00am Pacific Time (18:30-19:00 CEST) - Julien Roux & Ghita Ibnbrahim (Canada)
Aiming to achieve the minimal sleep state
11:00-11:30am Pacific Time (19:00-19:30 CEST) - Mark Caldwell (Canada)
Taoism and crowdsourcing in the Canadian government
11:30-12:30am Pacific Time (19:30-20:30 CEST) - Caldwell, Suboski, Learning, McKenzie
Panel discussion - getting breakthroughs into the mainstream
12:30-1:00pm Pacific Time (20:30-21:00 CEST) - Dr. Grant McFetridge
What's in the Institute's research pipeline?
Monday April 6, 2020 - tentative schedule
8:00-9:00am Pacific Time (17:00-18:00 CEST) - Daniel Suboski & Mathew Learning (Canada)
Interactive session - Promoting breakthroughs
9:00-1:00pm Pacific Time (18:00-22:00 CEST) - to be determined