Peak States® Disease Research Projects
January 25, 2014
Probably the most exciting part of our work is applying subcellular and developmental psychobiology to major health related problems. Our work in this new field of psycho-immunology has resulted in totally new approaches to healing a variety of physical and emotional disorders and conditions. We have chosen to focus on a few major illnesses that don't have adequate conventional treatments, and plan on adding more projects as time and resources permit. Our thanks to the many volunteers working in their spare time who have taken the training in order to work on these projects.
If you have one of the diseases listed below and would like to work with us as an experimental subject, please get in touch with us. You can email us or phone the research group at +1 250-509-0514.
For other conditions or diseases, please go to:
- our clinics website to get descriptions of the disorders we currently treat at our Institute clinics.
- our trained certified therapists in private practice also treat a large variety of other issues or disorders that are usually considered untreatable.
MDs, biologists, and therapists
We are looking for academic researchers, medical professionals or licensed therapists specializing in these disorders who would like to participate with us in these projects as part of our research and development teams. If you are interested in getting involved, let's chat - email us or phone +1 250-413-3211.
To explore working for the Institute
Projects in the Research Phase
We have a number of projects that we work on when we have time or opportunity.
Addictions Project
Along with more trauma-related causes for addictions, this project is looking at different pathogens that cause some addictions.
Alzheimer's / dementia Project
This project is particularly interesting, as we've found a reliable biological marker for the disease - a bacteria inside the nucleus.
Autism Project
We now know that the cause of autism is a bacterial pathogen that damages the nucleus of the cell. We're working hard on a psycho-immunological technique to make people immune to the disease. Our early attempts in 2000 were successful for some autistic children we tested - a fascinating description a decade later on how the child changed is shown here.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Our current treatment gets rid of the 'exertion malaise syndrome' part of CFS. We are continuing to look for a treatment that covers the remaining tiredness.
We are in testing on a treatment for the coronavirus.
Diabetes Project
We are currently working on Type 1 diabetes.
Hemophilia Project
This project is to try and find a way to locate and repair the damaged gene that causes hemophilia.
Lyme Disease Project
We've developed a psycho-immunological treatment for this disease and are in the testing phase.
Multiple Sclerosis Project
We are working on a treatment for multiple sclerosis. If you would like to participate as a test subject, please get in touch. (Incidentally, if you have a neuromuscular disease, please note that Lyme Disease has been identified as the cause in some cases.)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
This project actually includes a range of anxiety disorders, all caused by the same fungal infection. We are in the testing phase of a psycho-immunological treatment.
Parkinson's Disease (PD)
We are testing a treatment using psycho-immunology.
Regenerative Healing Project
Regenerative healing is extremely rapid physical healing of things such as damaged or cut spinal cords, or other physical injuries like scars. Formerly called the Radical Physical Healing Project, the new name is more accurate and reflects current biomedical definitions.
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Revision History
Jan 25, 2014: Updated this status page on autism, and added the Diabetes Project listing.