The OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) Project
April 23, 2019
Project Updates
April 23, 2019: We are now treating OCD in our clinics. For more information and testimonial videos, see our OCD clinic webpage.
April 17, 2018: Our third generation psycho-immunological technique eliminated both OCD fungal pathogens and eliminated all OCD symptoms in two clients. We are now testing for stability.
Feb 24, 2018: Our second generation psycho-immunological technique eliminated the OCD fear and anxiety in two clients. However, their contamination issues and some compulsive behaviors remained.
August 9, 2016: Our first test treatment for mild OCD fear using regression to eliminate the cytoplasm fungus. We continue to test and refine our approach.
The symptoms of OCD
A person with OCD has a continuous feeling of anxiety or fear (and often paranoia). Characteristic behaviors to this disorder include compulsive hand washing, fear of contamination and poisoning, and often feelings of paranoia. Repetitive, compulsive behaviors are designed to try and reduce the undefined feelings of fear and anxiety. Often, the person with the disorder becomes delusional trying to explain their feelings - e.g., people are trying to poison them, the government is after them, etc.
OCD has two distinct symptom sets. One is based on anxiety and fear; the other is based on feelings of contamination. Clients can have either or both types.
Anxiety symptoms: The subcellular and developmental cause
It turns out that the anxiety part of the disorder is not some sort psychological problem. Instead, the root cause of the OCD fear is a particular type of fungal infection that lives in the cytoplasm of the afflicted person's primary cell. This organism(s) induces continuous feelings of fear and anxiety to the person. In essence, their surroundings (as viewed from the nucleus) are toxic, induce fear and anxiety, and feel threatening. This is experienced by the person as being 'surrounded by a feeling of anxiety or fear' outside their body, up to a distance of 10-20 feet.
This 'fear' fungus is a sexually transmitted disease, and lives in the testes of the father. When a newly quickened sperm is released from the testes, it immediately encounters the fungal pathogen which attaches itself like some kind of plastic wrap to the sperm's head. During conception, when the sperm head opens and releases its contents inside the egg. Unfortunately, the hitchhiking fungal organism is also released from the sperm's 'skin' and moves into the cytoplasm of the egg. In regressed clients, this fungal infection inside the fertilized zygote causes them to feel anxiety or fear when attention is put on their cytoplasm. As adults, this infection is experienced as anxiety/fear that surrounds their body like a giant balloon.
Although the disease is present in the client since their conception, the typical person does not exhibit symptoms until later in life, often as the result of some sort of chemical or fungal toxic exposure.
Contamination / compulsion symptoms: The subcellular and developmental cause
After our initial success in eliminating the anxiety pathogen, we found the test clients still had their specific contamination issues but with much weaker compulsions and no generalized fear and anxiety. In April of 2018, we tracked the remaining problem down to a second sexually transmitted fungal pathogen. This one was not attached to the sperm - instead, it was free floating and carried in the father's male ejaculate. This 'contamination' fungus looks a bit like a tumbleweed as it moves through the fallopian tube. During conception it sprays the egg with a black fluid that regressed clients describe as a 'contaminating sludge'. This organism then moves inside the newly fertilized zygote, and continues to live inside of the cell into adulthood, giving rise to the contamination and compulsion symptoms.
A psycho-immunological treatment for OCD
There are several methods to eliminate these OCD fungal pathogens in the client. Our current treatment involves eliminating the epigenetic damage (i.e., healing relevant generational traumas) that made the father initially susceptible to infection by these two fungal species. Once this is done, the client's OCD symptoms immediately vanish.
- Wikipedia entry on OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
- Peak States clinic treatment webpage with testimonials.
...or visit our Forum

Revision History
April 17, 2018: Revised webpage to describe second pathogen. Identified the pathogens as fungal, not bacterial.
August 9, 2016: First webpage on this project (although we've been working on the project for over 3 years already.)