"Silence the Voices"
Dec 16, 2017
From the editor...
Happy holidays!
Today's highlight is about our new book. This week our book Silence the Voices: Discovering the Biology of Mind Chatter by Dr. Grant McFetridge is available on Amazon. For laypeople as well as professionals, this book is written as a 22 year-long detective mystery - with successes and failures - as we worked to solve this terrible problem.
In other news, our websites - and we have several! - have gotten a fashion makeover to bring them into the 21st century. Busy people with phones and iPads will now be able to view them; and we've added the little browser padlock security feature. It is a work in progress, so let us know if you have suggestions for further improvements.
Do you, a friend, or a loved one have Lyme Disease? Our research group is asking for volunteers to test our new Lyme Disease treatment. If you know someone who would be interested, please have them drop us an email at Grant (at) PeakStates.com.
In our next newsletter, we'll be talking all about our technique for healing Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Stay tuned!
Till next time....
PS. Want to be sure you get our newsletters? We suggest putting our email address Newsletter (at) PeakStates.com into your contacts to keep them out of your spam filter. And you can update your email address with the link at the bottom of this email.
Feature Article: Silence the Voices
By Dr. Grant McFetridge
Our new book is the cumulation of decades of research and testing by myself and my colleagues at the Institute, and we're delighted to have it finally finished and available to the public.
Did you know that about 1.1 billion people (15% of the general public) 'hear voices'? This book will be a real boon for these people, as it not only covers the cause of voices - a subcellular fungal parasite - but includes simple treatments. This same fungal disease also infects most of the remaining 6.5 billion people in the world. Their voice symptoms are simply less obvious, causing what everyone assumed to be normal, everyday background thoughts in the mind.
More disturbingly, this pandemic fungal disease is what is called a behavior-altering parasite in the field of neuroparasitology; it directly causes cultural conflicts, bigotry and prejudice in our species.
We also go into treatment. For individual voices, we explain and include all the steps for our Body Association Technique. For the cultural influence problem (which we call the Tribal Block), we also include all the steps for treatment on a case by case basis. Finally, we also explain our psycho-immunology and developmental psychobiology approach to eliminating this fungal parasite.
This book is the fascinating story of how two seemingly independent lines of research - voices, and resistance to having peak states of consciousness - converged into identifying and treating one of the major scourges of our times.
If you are interested in seeing a short video on the biology behind 'voices', you can see it on our website. Our thanks to Piotr Kawecki for creating this great video and the book cover!
Silence the Voices (from the back cover)
- Are you sometimes distracted by background thoughts or chatter in your head?
- If you meditate, is it a struggle to 'quiet your mind'?
- Do you suffer from intrusive, racing or obsessive thoughts?
- Are you someone who 'hears voices' but are otherwise mentally well?
- Have you been diagnosed with schizophrenia (or other mental illness) that includes auditory hallucinations?
Mind chatter and a common fungal infection
You have in your hands a story of 22 years of effort to understand the cause of 'voices' and the search to find an effective treatment. Written like a detective mystery, you'll read about our successes - and our failures - as we slowly solved this baffling and heartbreaking problem. Filled with unexpected twists and turns, we eventually discovered that the underlying cause of all these symptoms is a common fungal infection located inside the cells themselves.
More than just voices
Our species is capable of such amazing heights - yet struggles with cultural limitations, prejudices and war. Completely unsuspected until now, the same pandemic fungal disease that causes 'voices' is at the root of these terrible global problems.
Simple, fast treatments
Written for laypeople and professionals alike, these pages introduce the concepts necessary to understand the biological origin of these symptoms. But theory is not enough for the millions of people who suffer from these problems - we include simple, fast, non-drug and well-tested treatment techniques based on the newly emerging fields of subcellular psychobiology and psycho-immunology.
This Peak States® Therapy volume 2 is a companion to Subcellular Psychobiology Diagnosis Handbook, Peak States of Consciousness and The Basic Whole-Hearted Healing® Manual.
The full table of contents and index can be viewed by clicking this link; and you can also 'look inside the book' at the Amazon website by clicking the amazon image below:

Modernizing our websites
By Shayne McKenzie
It was 1999 when Grant created the first Peak States website, setting us up for the 21st century! Back then, I'm assuming what he created was pretty modern. However, not a lot has changed to the main website since, so it was time to start making upgrades. There is a lot that we could do (if we had more time and money) but for now we are taking it one step at a time. Here are the highlights of the changes made to date:
- The website themes are responsive so they are easier to read on phones and tablets.
- The websites are now more integrated so it is easier to move between them. There is a blue navigation bar at the top that links all our websites together.
- The websites are now more secure, moving to https. (The little padlock symbol will now appear in your browser window).
- We also tried to make the sites more visually appealing. All the sites have a nature picture as the banner photo.
- We shrunk the menu structure to make it easier to navigate on some of the sites.
I want to thank Steve Hsu and Grant, who have both spent long hours and many late nights (which sometimes became early mornings!) fixing the bugs that inevitably appear with any IT change project. I am very happy with these first changes they have made, and I hope you will be too. We realize that there is more work to do but this is a good start to bring us into this decade!
Why don't you take a look? Try out the new blue navigation bar on the top of each page. Which site 'look' do you like the most? We look forward to your feedback on any element of the changes (themes, images, menu structure, etc.). And if you have better banner images for our sites, let us know!
Therapy: https://www.peakstatestherapy.com/
Clinics: https://www.peakstatesclinics.com/
Research (also our main/corporate site): https://www.peakstates.com/
Training: https://www.subcellularpsychobiology.com/
Poland: https://www.peakstates.pl/
People News
New staff at the Institute
By Shayne McKenzie, CEO
It has been a little over 18 months that I have been CEO for ISPS. One of the things that I am incredibly grateful for and inspired by is the time and effort that our volunteer staff put in to create the vision and purpose of the Institute. We are very fortunate to have such amazing staff to contribute to breakthrough research, applied research, training development, student coordination, therapist support, marketing, book translations and a whole range of other support. A big thank you to all of you!
We have had a number of new staff join or rejoin us at the Institute over the past 12 months. Here is a brief summary of our new staff:
Kirsten Lykkegaard Ph.D. was my first new staff member. She has a background in veterinary medicine, a PhD in pharmacology and is currently working in medical research. Based in Copenhagen, she has been a certified therapist since March 2016. She has been working on marketing projects to support therapists, such as creating a much more visually appealing brochure for our therapists. In addition, she is working on gathering data on smoking addiction treatment for co-authoring a book with Grant on addiction.
Mary Pellicer MD has taken on the new role of Medical Director of Applied Research. Mary is a boomerang - she was with the Institute for 4 years from 2000 and now returns 13 years later! She has just completed catch up training (a lot has changed in the past 13 years!) so will be a certified therapist very soon. She is based in the US and among many other things has her own coaching business. Her first applied research project will be focused on our traumatic brain injury protocol.
Georg Parlow is another boomerang! He was previously a member of our research and German speaking clinic teams. He is based in Austria, has been a certified Peak States therapist since 2008 and is rejoining our clinic team. He is a very talented therapist and I am very happy that he has rejoined us.
Marzena Defler is based in Poland and has been a certified Peak States therapist since 2014. We are in the process of transitioning the Student Coordinator role from Samsara Salier (in Australia). As a new member of staff, Marzena will be responsible for coordinating the Polish and probably Russian students.
Have a wonderful Holiday season!