New certified therapists
By Shayne McKenzie, CEO
It has been a great year of growth for our therapists! This year, we welcome 9 new certified therapists (and 1 returning therapist) to the Institute. Our new therapists include Ayla Karmali (UK), Ondrej Motuz (UK), Pauline Saby (Switzerland), Fabien Racine (Switzerland), Nora Guerchouh (France), Sylvie Maurer (France), Eleni Cattiaut (France), Mathilde Crétier (Mexico), and Owen Smithyman (USA) and Karolina Kozielska (Thailand) has returned as a previously certified therapist. Please welcome them all to the Institute family! As a result of this growth, we now have 79 certified therapists around the world :)
You can find a certified therapist by country on our website: