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"Peer-reviewed journal article"
and psycho-immunology updates
Dec 15, 2024

From the editor...

    Happy holidays!
It's been 6 months since the last newsletter, and we've got some great news to share. 

Our first peer-reviewed paper was published
After nearly two years of writing and rewriting, our paper on the primary cell model was accepted and published on Dec 6th. Hurrah! 

We are opening medical clinics
If you want to see what we are up to with our new medical clinics, check out our Australian website (www.psychoimmunology.com.au). USA and Denmark are coming soon. These will be in-person clinics with MDs involved in the treatments. We are starting with traumatic brain injury (TBI), Lyme disease, Asperger's syndrome, and autism. We have ambitious goals for other diseases in 2025: chronic fatigue, Parkinson's disease, type 1 diabetes, and tinnitus. If you know of someone who needs any of these treatments and wants to be on a waiting list, give us a shout from our website contact page.

Our summer research symposium was fun!
This year we had the symposium at Lief Pedersen's house in Denmark.Thanks to everyone who attended either in person (most who had to fly to Denmark!) or online (you lazy buggers). Great food, great weather, great company. See you next summer!

Did you know we have a YouTube channel?
Yup! If you missed any of our psychobiology & psycho-immunology research symposiums, we have 81 videos online full of cool stuff!

New certified therapists
This year, we had 10 new certified therapists. Congratulations to all! We now have nearly 80 certified therapists around the world.

Till next time...

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From the editor
News at a glance

Peer-reviewed article
The primary cell model

Traumatic brain injury
Available now

Lyme disease
Available now

Autism treatment
Available 2025

Certified therapists
Meet our new therapits

Kirsten Lykkegaard DVM PhDGrant McFetridge PhD
Peer-reviewed journal article

By Kirsten Lykkegaard DVM PhD, Mary Pellicer MD, and Grant McFetridge PhD

Our open-access article titled "The Primary Cell Model: Linking prenatal development and intracellular biology to psychology and consciousness" has been published this month in the Journal for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health in their Winter 2024 issue. You can download our article for free from the DOI link http://doi.org/10.62858/apph241204. This is the first of a three part paper, the rest which is to be published in 2025. Our thanks to the Journal's editorial team!

This journal is published by the Association for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health, which was founded by Thomas Verny MD and colleagues in 1983 in the US.

Mary Pellicer MD
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) treatment update

By Mary Pellicer MD
Medical Director for Applied Research

The majority of people that experience a concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI) recover from the experience within a few days to a few weeks.  However, for a small percentage of these people (which is still millions of people each year!) they do not recover and are let with chronic symptoms.  These symptoms can vary from chronic headaches, sensitivity to light or sound, new memory or cognitive challenges to emotional outbursts and impulsive behaviours.

This treatment works by reducing susceptibly (and increasing resilience) to brain injury. For example, if you imagine that 10 people experience the exact same blow to the head in exactly the same way, some will be severely injured while some will be unaffected. The unharmed ones simply have less susceptibility to brain injury. This treatment restores that natural resilience and repairs existing traumatic brain damage.

It turns out that the lack of TBI resilience is due to two different fungal infections in the brain. Each causes a different set of symptoms in clients with TBI. Our psycho-immunology treatment is designed to eliminate these fungal infections. Once they are gone, the brain rapidly rebuilds itself and restores function.

This psycho-immunology treatment is available now. To find out more about our TBI treatment (and to be added to our waiting list), in Australia visit https://www.psychoimmunology.com.au/TBI.html and in the USA visit https://www.psycho-immunology.com/TBI.html.

Kirsten Lykkegaard DVM PhD
Lyme disease treatment update

By Kirsten Lykkegaard DVM PhD
Director of Research

We were first asked to find a treatment for Lyme disease in the fall of 2016. The client wanted us to find a way to quickly treat the disease (because in some patients antibiotic treatments are not effective or can take many months), and more importantly find a way to eliminate persistent chronic symptoms that do not respond to antibiotic treatment in some patients.

Lyme disease is caused by a spirochetes bacteria from the genus Borrelia. The disease is carried by a tick, and about 30,000 new cases every year are reported to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in the USA alone.

After many iterations over the years, we have now developed a psycho-immunology treatment for the borrelia bacteria that causes Lyme disease. This treatment does not use drugs, but rather we guide you in healing the specific trauma that makes you susceptible to the disease. The treatment immediately and permanently eliminates the borrelia bacteria symptoms.

This psycho-immunology treatment is available now. To find out more about our Lyme disease treatment (and to be added to our waiting list), in Australia visit https://www.psychoimmunology.com.au/Lyme.html and in the USA visit https://www.psycho-immunology.com/Lyme.html.

Grant McFetridge PhD
Autism treatment update

By Grant McFetridge PhD

We have been researching autism since 1998. Earlier treatments greatly reduced symptoms, but did not completely eliminate the disease. With the advent of our new psycho-immunology approach, we have made significant progress and are on track to have a complete treatment available in 2025.

We have been very fortunate to have several highly committed research clients who have been helping us test various version of our autism treatment for well over a decade! This has been a very challenging project because the cause of autism was unknown. We have now cracked all the pieces of the puzzle and now it is mainly a case of testing the optimum sequence of the different steps in the process and making it as easy as possible for the client (which in this case is the mother of the autistic child) to complete the process.

To find out more about our autism research (and to be added to our waiting list once the treatment is released), in Australia visit https://www.psychoimmunology.com.au/autism.html. In the USA visit https://www.psycho-immunology.com/autism.html

Shayne McKenzie CEO
New certified therapists

By Shayne McKenzie, CEO

It has been a great year of growth for our therapists! This year, we welcome 9 new certified therapists (and 1 returning therapist) to the Institute. Our new therapists include Ayla Karmali (UK), Ondrej Motuz (UK), Pauline Saby (Switzerland), Fabien Racine (Switzerland), Nora Guerchouh (France), Sylvie Maurer (France), Eleni Cattiaut (France), Mathilde Crétier (Mexico), and Owen Smithyman (USA) and Karolina Kozielska (Thailand) has returned as a previously certified therapist. Please welcome them all to the Institute family! As a result of this growth, we now have 79 certified therapists around the world :)

You can find a certified therapist by country on our website: https://www.peakstatestherapy.com/therapist.html
Copyright © 2024 Institute for the Study of Peak States, All rights reserved.

Our office phone is:
+1 250-509-0514 (Canada)

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