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The Institute for the Study of Peak States (ISPS) is a world-wide research, teaching, and clinical treatment volunteer organization focused on the study of the psychology and biology of consciousness. Our groundbreaking discoveries in prenatal development and in the tremendously exciting new field of subcellular psychobiology have linked epigenetics to psycho-immunology and trauma. This has stunning, practical applications, allowing creation of entirely new techniques for the treatment of mental and physical diseases.

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            Our newest breakthroughs are in psycho-immunology (PI). Our models allow us to develop simple, fast and effective psychological techniques that eliminate targeted pathogens. This approach is a whole new frontier of science; it will be decades before the huge range of applications are explored and utilized. Our current PI research projects include severe autism, Alzheimer's, Lyme disease, type 1 diabetes, OCD, and several other chronic diseases. Our free annual symposium covers our latest research and applications.
            Our PI models are based on the discovery of subcellular psychobiology. This fundamental breakthrough ties psychological and physical symptoms to intracellular pathology. This has enabled us to discover the underlying causes and derive treatments for a number of devastating mental (and physical) diseases, many of which have been considered incurable (for example, Asperger's syndrome, schizophrenic voices, and others). It also gives us a simple physical, biological framework for understanding unusual transpersonal phenomena and spiritual experiences.
            Our original research efforts were to try to improve psychological quality of life. As part of this investigation, we developed a very practical PTSD/trauma healing technique using regression which we called Whole-Hearted Healing. This led to the development of the prenatal 'developmental events model' that explains how and why continuous 'peak states' of consciousness exist - many of which have a profound impact on people's lives. Our current research is focused on two states that both confer psychological invulnerability and exceptional quality of life.

            To turn research into practice, we now have a school teaching our work to professionals internationally. Client safety is of utmost importance to us, so the Institute's professional training program also certifies and licenses practitioners.
            Our professional classes cover three different areas:
  • Psychological healing techniques that widen the range of problems that a therapist can treat. They can be used on their own or as a complement to most other healing modalities, and can be easily added to a therapist's healing repertoire. The best known is Whole-Hearted Healing™, a regression technique that is suitable for everyone. It easily accesses and heals prenatal events. (The technique is given on this website as a public service.)
    Cover Peak States of Consciousness
  • Theory and methods for acquiring a variety of different, permanent peak states of consciousness. In particular, our technique to turn peak experiences into continuous peak states is especially appreciated by clients.
  • Specializations -  the teaching and licensing of therapists in the treatment of specific diseases. Our techniques are fast, effective, and permanent.

            Currently the Institute clinics focus on just a few of the huge number of potential diseases our approach could address. Our current clinical treatments include traumatic brain injury (TBI), ADHD, Asperger's, and several other major diseases. This list of treatable diseases is constantly increasing - after a new disease treatment is derived and tested in by the research group, they are then made available via our international clinics (in Australia, Denmark, Germany, and Poland).
            Many of the treatments we've developed are now used by licensed private therapists in their own offices. These range from PTSD, addiction treatment, schizophrenic voices, to many other therapy-related issues and disorders.
            The Institute is also pioneering a new way to deliver health care - a 'pay for results only' approach to both psychological and physical conditions.

About the Institute
            The core purpose of this Institute is to find ways to improve the quality of life for all of mankind. We've written this website to help professionals and laypeople become informed on the specifics of our discoveries and keep updated as our work progresses - and to attract people who share our vision. We have a free newsletter that you may wish to subscribe to by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please get in touch. Enjoy!
            ~Shayne McKenzie, CEO
            ~Grant McFetridge PhD, founder

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