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Questions about Peak Experience Peak States and More



  • Thank you Julien! It's a problem so intertwined with our souls as well, with the light that comes at different times in our gestation (that has recently been observed biologically at conception). It could be that the gnostics were right all along about the archons and humanity, they just didn't have the biology to back them up. I read in a previous post that someone was able to clear parasites with the Void and Gaia, I wonder why if that's been tried it doesn't work in this case.
    I would so love to do the training, but I have been having some financial issues for a while and I can't afford it, hope in the next two years to be able to do it!
  • A lot of people said they have done things, but excepted if it's a member from the core research team and the person was checked by others to verify what he said, I can't trust it.

    One time I had the Void state and was feeling so great and able to manifest things, then I discovered that I was.... merged with a parasite who was giving me all of those states and abilities.
    Healing parasites that are structures in our primary cell/replacing damaged area, cannot be killed like you are killing some ants in your house.
    Because of the fundamental damages that the primary cell and components of it have, it's almost a life threatening isuue there.
    If you remove structural parasite, it can seriously damaged the cell and create homeostasis problem, because you didn't fix first the reason for the cell to have those structure or parasites. And often the reasons are varied and not easy to spot.

    Yes you are right the light that comes up at conception can be some Creator material coming, and that's awesone that science is finally catching up.
    We have 1 or 2 processes when we go back to one of those moments when the light comes in ourself.
  • Thank you Julien! A few questions for you and other therapists:
    1)how do you differentiate between the Void and a parasite?  Are there some emotions or feelings or something that can help differentiate the two?
    Also since we're talking about Peak states and creator consciousness,
    2) about the spaciousness state: in the 1st book the block is at the first contraction, in the 2nd it's a creator event, which one is it or is it the same event/trauma that needs to be healed or another one to achieve the state?
    3) Does having the spaciousness state help in avoiding the peak state bugs?
    Thank you
  • I checked on whether I had the tribal block or borg fungus, and it seems I have neither. 

    If you have a chronic illness from a virus/bacteria/fungus, is one of the v/b/f in the primary cell? 
    I wonder if a "body" virus could affect something in the primary cell? 

    How could a virus (or parasite, bacteria, fungus) cause a peak state? 

    Julien, it seems your story has a relation here.  It's very interesting that a parasite could give you states and abilities!  Was the parasite trying to use or control you in some way, or eating your p.c.?

    Could virus/bacteria/fungus/parasites temporarily hold back their influence in a certain area, thereby allowing temporary access to peak states they usually block, until they put forth there influence again? 
    That was my question before about getting sick with the peak state--that peak state only occurred after I had a viral "attack" from a chronic virus.  How could that happen?  I get the connection part, but how could it work this way, creating a peak state instead of limiting one? 

    I also wonder if, instead of trying to get rid of the parasite, there could be a positive symbiotic, like "good" bacteria in our gut?  I agree that it would be better to not have them, but until it's possible to get rid of them, would it be better to join?  Or would a symbiotic relationship, on the other hand, inhibit other peak states, more important ones?

    Has anyone used ART (Autonomic Response Testing--specialized muscle testing) to seek the reasons for why parasites are there for someone? 
  • edited October 2019
    1) I sincerely don't know because it's not a common state among people.
    I guess one way to know if it's a real state, is if you feel peaceful, calm and light when having the state.
    You could use your inner vision/perceptions to know if you are in a parasite.
    You could do the parasite healing technique on the state feeling, and see/feel if it did something or not (if it did not, then the state is legit).

    2) Nobody will say anything about Spaciousness and how to get it, because it's only used/available to the core research team for many reasons, including security reason about having a state like this.

    3) Not at all, sorry.

    Yes illness you have, is something that is in your primary cell.
    I healed bacteria in my ears like this, because I had ear infections.
    But sometimes it's not that simple to heal a bacteria/fungus, there is many unconscious reasons why we want the disease and keep it.

    About the merging with a parasite and giving me abilities, it's seems common from what I understood from my talk with Grant at the time. It makes sense people are always looking to feeling better, powerful, not lonely, to stop the feeling of lack, etc... So unconsciously we want this parasite and activate it. They control you, some eat you, etc,... That's also why we never talk about parasite to clients, because they freak out, then start to seek where are the parasite, and enable them, and it can be dangerous. And then we need to help them heal their fears, curiosity, etc... toward parasite.

    Yes parasite the way they are designed make them having or giving the sense of having peak states.
    Don't forget that if we have peak states it's because it's a sign of the good functioning of our primary cell at various levels.

    Merging with any parasite is not the way to go, even thinking about using parasite to feel better and have states, that's really awful ; and that's also a typical parasite want (to control you: it's more about doing what it want in the primary cell than really about yourself).
    So question: first why you ask those questions, what benefits are your trying to get and to avoid feeling what?
    And question yourself, is it really you that want to use parasite, or you are being kind of controlled (do you feel a threatening presence near you?).

    The problem is that for the most part parasite don't care about use, we are just foods, and home for them.
    Some of the processes we have are in fact healing damaged fungal structure (i.e column of self).
    But in the future our goal is to get rid off completely of the need of those fungus structure. They are here only because the organism often was trying to compensate something damaged/missing in itself, by what was near by ( = a parasite).

    About the state you were in, it's possible that it was given by you merging partially with a parasite. Who knows? If you want the state back, do the Peak experience to Peak States process with one of us certified therapists. If it don't work, you will not have to pay anyway.

    Yes, ART I'm sure they tried it in research, even asking to Gaïa. I remember talking to someone, that told me you can manipulate the results of ART at an unconscious level, so...
    But it's a more fundamental problem, it's really something difficult to conceptualize and understand.
    Because it defies the current logic and way of thinking. And so curing the fundamental problem of parasites cannot be approached with a usual way of thinking and a logical and simple way. Trust me, me and my colleagues tried to give advice to the core research team lol
    But because we don't have the understanding of all of what's underneath the fundamental infection we can't suggest anything really useful for them.

    I hope all of this kind of helped you both :)
  • edited October 2019
    Hi, thank you Julien.
    3) I was thinking of the spaciousness state as protective against peak state bugs because it gives a "lack of emotional reactivity."and on page 159 of the subcellullar psychobiology it says that if you're distant emotionally when people are upset at you then you can avoid the peak state bug issue.
    2) well, I'm not in the Institute so I don't understand the security reasons, but two (or maybe the same) trauma moments that block the state are mentioned in vol 1 and 2. If the above premise is valid it could help a lot, unless there are other states that can disable the reactivity to other people's emotions (provided they're not shutdown states)?
    1) thank you. I think I understand what you mean from the subcellular book I'll try that

    thank you
  • Many of the informations about certain events,  peak states and assumptions in the Volume 1 and 2 have changed since (their understanding of the primary cell model for example).
    I know people in Spaciousness state and some part of the Institute, and they are not immuned or less immuned to the peak states bug than someone that doesn't have the state, for what I know about them and their experiences.

    People in the Beauty Way are less prone to the peak states bug, but I don't think they are fully immnued to it.

    The best way to prevent yourself to the best about peak states bug affecting you and your states, is to be calm about this subject. So healing your fears, panic, etc. is a good thing. 
  • Hearing Gaetan, it sounded like one had to have a longer period of time in a peak experience before it could be turned into a peak state--or is that only sometimes? 

  • Usually the longer your experience of a peak states was (peak experience) the easiest it is to make it permanent with the Peak Experience to Peak States process.
  • Hi,
    I have a very limited experience with the Experience-to-State work, but had a few clients. I think it works for people who were in a state for a few days at least, without knowing why.

    But people who "induce" a state with some practice or find a way to create a state... or had it for an hour... the process wouldn't work so well. But I don't know if we have an extensive track record of this.
  • Re, the peak states bug, is actually a parasite interaction between two people.

    It happens because somebody else attacks you subconsciously. Of course, you play your part of letting this happen, but it is also unconscious. The mechanism is a direct parasite problem, not a trauma problem, so the lessen emotionnal reactivity of the Spaciousness state is not going to help with that.
  • A more let's call it "shamanic" approach to chakra removal. This guy did it and seems to have only benefits 
  • Wow, looks like black magic stuff. Efficient but dangerous, and definetely not the route we would take.
    Strangely, he did not get the minimal sleep state, and he might have a partial flow state but this type of work is generally unstable and can even backfires. Chakras are very addictive and if the traumas behind them are not healed in the first place, the body will likely pull them in again. It looks like this guy did it recently. I'm not so sure he will be happy in a few weeks from now. However, he might get a partial benefit.
  • edited November 2020
    It's not "black magick" per se, it's the left hand path completely different more connected to the East and Tantra with Western overtones. I agree that he could pull them in again. I've also looked a new age guy, Tony Sayers, taking out chakras and implants etc but the reviews although they seem good point to a great imbalance since the people either feel drained or manic right after the session for days on end sometimes a month, and then they feel good
  • Yes, I meant the interviewers actually. Don't know about the interviewee but he certainly not dress in white robe :)
    But anyway... it is a question of intention, not of technique.

    What you mention is typical of messing with the chakra/meridian system. Not great perspective in my view! And by "feel good",  does it mean they just reverse to how they were before?

  • edited November 2020 here's group of this new age guy Tony. It seems they feel better than before, more creativity, energy, healing etc, but there is the initial manic period or drain often.

    As far as the guy in he video sometimes the most dark intentions are dressed in white and talk of angels, while the purest are dressed in black and talk about "daimons", actually, most of the time lately...I've learnt one thing is never to judge a book by its cover
  • I've also listened to another approach of a woman who removed her chakras in a deep emotional purge feeling gratitude for her chakras, lots of emotions and crying and absorbing them into herself and at one point she saw them burst in fragments. I don't know whether it works but it certainly feels safer than the other two options above
  • edited November 2020
    Most of the time people don't know what they are doing.
    Sometimes they triggers developmental events. If they are lucky enough succeed to heal the event triggered.
    And then can acquire new state, peak experience or even succeed to "heal" some parasitic structure/organism, such as the chakras organism for example.

    But most of the time they try to heal themselves not knowing/understanding what they are doing and manage to damage themselves.
    That's unfortunate :(, researchers damage themselves doing this work but they have at least some understanding/theories before doing so/exploring.
    People are free to experiment :)
    And that's also why I want more people to educate themselves about the primary cell, for safety reason.

    Demons and angels in my own experiences and from clients, are just a way of perceiving parasites in and around the primary cell.
    Also people love to think they are incredible, powerful, special and that magic exist, so they will create those wonderful stories about what they did and encounters.
    But most of the time their experiences is perceived through some overlays of the real biology going on and traumas activated (I'm talking based on my experiences).

  • As far as the guy in he video sometimes the most dark intentions are dressed in white and talk of angels, while the purest are dressed in black and talk about "daimons", actually, most of the time lately...I've learnt one thing is never to judge a book by its cover
    Yes, I totally agree with that.

    Actually, we all have our own shadow and the sooner we recognize we are composed of both good and evil, the sooner we can stop pretending we have nothing dark inside of use, which is bad because it makes us blind and powerless. Facing the truth is necessary in this work, but it is hard :)

    Some people, however, willfuly chose evil and are not shy of showing it. I met a few people like that and they can be fun to hang around, on the visible surface, social level. But at the deeper level, they can really hurt you (and you can hurt yourself /them too)!
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