Editor's note: The folks at the Institute often get emails from people who share their observations or ideas with us with respect to the research we're doing. When we can, we like to post it on the forum to spur other's who have interest in this field. Below is an interesting example from Arthur Janov's work (The Primal Scream).
I apologize for the mistake in the text, I am from Russia
I am a practicing psychotherapist and explore new techniques. I read Grant's book and was impressed, but I have a question. Grant writes that he knew Arthur Janov's theory. Condition Arthur described the primary injury occurs at the age of several years, but her healing is very similar to Grant described the state of inner peace. Is this true or is it a different state?
Thank you
Dear K,
Thank you for writing. I know how hard it is to try and write in a foreign language. And thank you for your kind words about my work.
I do not know the answer to your question. Experimentation would be required to find out. Which book and page was this in? It would be interesting for me to take a look at what he wrote.
But some historical perspective may also help address the question. Dr. Janov, for many years, did not believe that a person could have birth or prenatal memories, so his earlier books have this mistaken viewpoint. It was not till a lot later in his career that he recognized his error. So one needs to read his books with this in mind.
Having said that, from a biological perspective we know that development is generally a repeating cycle. The earliest developmental events repeat themselves in more complex ways as development continues. For example, the steps of birth are very similar to the steps of ovulation. From a healing perspective, one can sometimes heal something later in development and positively effect something earlier in development, because biographical trauma events repeat themselves in similar circumstances, and healing an entire trauma string can eliminate earlier trauma that you are not targeting; and because generational trauma can be healed later in development when it is easier to notice it, but may also heal an earlier event that you are not consciously accessing. (Note that this is not foolproof - circumstances and disease processes can can be different for different developmental stages and later stages may not pick up relevant earlier trauma. For example, the fetus has a placenta that can be traumatized, but the baby does not and so accessing key placental trauma while working on baby memories can become difficult or impossible.)
Keep up the good work! Would you like to add your comments to our Institute forum for other people to read? If so, let me know and I'll register you.
All my best,
PS. Konstatin in Russian has had all our books translated into Russian as free downloads. We have just been slow in putting them up to our own website, as we were waiting for the indexes to be finished (and then I was away from home for several months), but you should be able to find them already online now in Russia.
Dear Grant,
Thanks for the detailed answer
Specific pages cause unfortunately I can not, but the book is The primal scream Arthur Janov
On my own I want to say that in his work, too, partly use Janov theory about the primary condition and it really works. If you find this event and heal, then the customer appears the state similar to the state you described "inner peace." So I wondered whether this condition also, that Grant describes, but even earlier.
I moved a little passage where in my opinion the main points of the theory of Janov.
Ps. when to expect the book number three? And how can I pass you complete the training online, and whether this is possible?
Initial therapy is aimed at eliminating the causes of tension and protection system and of the neurosis. In accordance with the primary theory, a healthy person characterizes the lack of protection of the system. Any strengthening of the system of psychological protection is equivalent to strengthening neurosis. In essence neurotic tension generated by the action of protective mechanisms.
There is a state different from the traditional concepts in which people live in complete harmony with oneself, without stress I psychological defense, he experiences deep feelings and feels like a whole person. That such a state can reach people who have passed the primary course of therapy.
Unsatisfied with the real needs hinder any other human activity. When they finally met, the child begins to feel. If needs are not implemented, the child experiences only tension, and the consequence is the isolation of the senses from the sphere of consciousness. The neurotic can not experience real feelings, because there is no necessary connection between them and consciousness. Neurosis - is a pathology of feelings.
It is impossible to name the child neurotic suppress his first feeling, although we would call this event the beginning of a neurotic process. Each suppression or denial of the need becomes another step on the road to neurosis. And once there is a certain critical event or turning point, after which the child is removed from reality by creating its own special unreal world; and from that moment we can consider him neurotic. At this point, there is a splitting of personality in the real and the unreal 'I'. The real "I" defines the real needs and feelings of the body. Unreal "I" allows you to hide these feelings and needs.
If the parents can not meet the primary needs of the child, then he experiences suffering. As a result, the child realizes that, while remaining himself, he will not achieve parental love. Deep resentment felt by the child at the same time, I call the primary pain, or pain of the root causes. Primary pain - it needs and feelings that are suppressed or not perceived by consciousness. The child suffers from the fact that he does not allow us to express and realize them.
Scenes of the root causes can be divided into two types - primary and secondary. Main Stage root causes - it is one of the most traumatic events in the life of a child. Experiencing such a scene, a child is experiencing unbearable loneliness. It was at that moment he begins to realize that he did not like and never will like the way it really is.
Minor scenes can be any small incident that infringe the child's personality: criticism, humiliation - and at the end all the main stage during the root cause of his real "I" can not withstand stress.
Main Stage root cause usually occurs in children between the ages of five to seven years. At this time, the child is already able to generalize the concrete experience, can understand the meaning of any event that occurred to him in the past.
When starting a neurosis? Most often at an early age - from one year to five or ten years. It is essential that this is the beginning of the disease - a situation in which the suppression of the real "I", when the child's personality splits. Does this mean that one scene or one event causes neurosis? Of course no. The main scene is the root cause is the culmination of a long and destructive relationship between the child and parents. Many children become neurotic at the age of six or seven years, by which time they are starting to understand what takes place in their lives. It was then, and there is a split or multiple personalities, and no conscious effort not to help her reunite (or eliminate neurotic tension).
According to the initial theory, all present wrongs that seem excessive or require care from reality, come from the root cause of pain settler. It is the existence of a settler forces us to experience a long and painful events that are essentially harmless nuisance or criticisms.
Dear K,
I did like Janov's work, in case that was not clear. He was a real pioneer in the early years of regression and trauma therapy. You might also enjoy his book
The New Primal Scream: 20 Years On, which was a rewrite after 20 years of experience. (
Would you like access to the Institute forum to share and discuss things with other therapist peers? There are a lot of pretty interesting people working on the forefront of psychology in that forum.
Re 'inner peace', at the end of healing most any trauma there is a feeling of peace, although this is temporary. It appears from his writing (that you included) that he found a more significant event that was more stable and long lasting. I wonder if he is referring to a phenomenon that we found in a lot of therapists and clients. They have a very hard time recalling any positive childhood experiences. It is almost like these positive experiences vanished from the adult memory, although negative ones are still easily recalled.
It does make me pretty curious! It sounds like he is describing more a feeling of being 'whole', not one of inner peace. Wholeness is a drastically different state than inner peace.
As far as taking the training online, we have a therapist, Nemi Nath in Australia, who does teach online. (She used to be the president of the World Breathwork Federation, if I recall the organization correctly). She's been talking about coming to Russia to teach if she can get enough interested people. Her email is Nemi@PeakStates.com
I'm sitting at home right now, catching up on emails after being away for 5 months. I'm now working on several books now, although Volume 3 is not one of them at this point. Instead, more focused (and short!) books on treating schizophrenia, suicide, addictions, spiritual emergency, and so on.