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Homeopathy, Lyme's disease, and pathogen secretions
Editor's note: The folks at the Institute often get emails from people who share their observations or ideas with us with respect to the research we're doing. When we can, we like to post it on the forum to spur other's who have interest in this field. Below is an interesting example from homeopathy.
Hi Dr. McFetridge,
After reading about the Lyme disease bacteria giving off a black liquid (, I saw an interesting coincidence: for Lyme disease, the best homeopathic disease for many is Sepia, which comes from the ink of cuttlefish... And wondered further, if there might be a correlation or link between the micro and the macro, on some basis/ front.
When the conditions/ diseases are healed, is it generally that a big change is noticed right away/ within a day, and smaller ones over time? (If there is a reference in PS1, 3 or Subcellular Psychobiology, I can read it there.)
I've often wondered why and how homeopathy works and your hypothesis sounds plausible. (Although this is not my field, I've seen homeopathic treatments work on animals, which demonstrated to me that something is happening beyond the placebo effect.) I hope that someone might pursue this idea, because it sounds promising as a potential explanation - perhaps even purified pathogen secretions could be used directly with more efficiency. Thanks!
Re your question on the speed of healing, it is usually quite fast, in the order of minutes to hours. When dealing with major diseases, I've been very surprised by how fast change is, as from a conventional viewpoint I would have predicted weeks to months for symptom changes. (This speed appears to happen because the problem was at a subcellular level, not at a gross tissue level, so change can happen there very quickly.)
For example, with our treatment for TBI (traumatic brain injury), symptoms are usually eliminated in a day. However, there are some obvious limits. For example, in our early treatment for autism, the child would change by the end of the session, and suddenly be able to emotionally connect to the mother and to their own feelings - but they would not magically and suddenly be able to do what other kids in their age group could do. Instead, they would go through many months to make up for all the childhood developmental stages they missed (walking, talking, etc.)