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A major issue we sometime encounter when doing therapy work are the various kinds of self-conflict, sabtogage, self-destruction and ohter negative behaviours.
Some call it "my inner devil" or "this dark force". Energy psychology states is comes from a neurological massive psychological reversal.
It is here at various degrees of intensity in situations like addictions, compulsion, depression, auto-immune diseases, and other inconscious patterns.
I'm working with the model that it comes from past traumas (the "I'm not good enough to be loved by my parents" -like), but it is sometimes hard to spot thoses traumas and heal them with EFT / EMDR / REMAP wich are my mains tools at the moment.
So I wonder if there is an underlying mechanisms that causes thoses problems ? Could it be fixed by brains merging ? Or by the Brain Light state ? Or other ?
I would say there are several different types of trauma responsible for these self-sabotaging patterns, so unfortunately not all can be treated the same way or even diagnosed beforehand.
One very important self-sabotaging pattern is due to what we call the Tribal Block in the ISPS. Then there are also what we call core issues, the example about "not being good enough" sounds a bit like that. In our training we teach more about that and of course our Silent Mind Process also eliminates the Tribal Block phenomenon. As you mention, also problems between the "brains" can also show up as self-sabotage in everyday life.
I would say there are a number of other reasons for self-sabotage as well, but I'd estimate these are most dominant ones in most people. Our latest research seems to indicate that the final solution to all these patterns would be solved by the good/evil process that has been a longstanding goal of our research team.
From what I understand, the Brain Light process helps the brains become non-evil, and behave in a supportive, collaborative and positive way.
It is very good, but it doesn't solve all evil in a person unfortunately. That is under research. More about that will be covered in the yet-to-be-published diagnostic textbook.