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What's the best long-term/ permanent Suicide treatment/ solution protocol?
Ok, so: most, if not all, suicide is placental death trauma. Don't try to heal it, basically. Find someone qualified. ASIST is important.
But, I've never personally seen a suggested long-term protocol in the public material (short term--hand on bellybutton, distinguish who wants to die, ...). And I'm guessing ASIST can't heal placental death traumas.
So, what IS the suggested long-term healing protocol? First have the suicidal person get in a treatment center for (two-)three weeks, then have a certified therapist use regression to heal all placental death traumas?
Would using rebirthing/ craniosacral release also heal placental death traumas quickly and well enough to keep someone out of danger?
Hmmm, I think it was a mistake to consider that most suicides are caused by the placental death trauma. I reckon that's actually a minority of them, at least in terms of where a therapist can intervene. Someone who triggers this problem generally have the urge to act quickly, like "right now". So they do commit suicide, often without anytime to ask for help.
Of course, many people also try to resist what's happening but it can be overwhelming and does not seem to have a reason to be, it is "just like that". Therefore, as people often try to make sense of things and rationalize, they would just assume that this happens because there are reasons and so they have a resistance to fight it. They let it happen.
So, these people are rarely seen by therapists and clinicians, sadly.
The other people with suicidal ideations and acts are people who are severely depressed. They are generally the people seeking help because they suffer a lot. Suicide generally happen after years of struggle and losing hope. There is actually a subcellular case link to suicidal depression but we don't talk about it for safety reasons.
However, a person in such a case can see a therapist for the depression.
A third type of suicide can happen when someone feel trapped with no escape. Because they have issues in their life. Generally they just experience too much overwhelm and have the desire to "find an exit" or "put an end to it all". But that's generally easily resolved when they see that they do have solutions to their current problem. I don't know if that's related to placental birth, because it does remind me of birth actually.
A different issue yet is people who self-harm and scarify for other reasons. Often these can be seen as "asking for help" as they can't communicate otherwise, but I speculate. These type of troubles are tough to work with. I suppose there can be an underlying structural issue.
What is ASIST ?
Rebirth is a form of regression. Craniosacral therapy might be beneficial to the person anyway, but I don't think I would recommend it for healing placental death. This is really experimental.
The best thing to do is to get the person out of the trauma and help them refocus on other things, make sure they can feel safe and calm down. Vagus nerve exercise might help. If the trauma gets re-triggered all the time, it is possible to do a body association on it, that works quickly, though it is not a guarantee the trauma won't get re-triggered. Doing some expansion also comes to my mind.
And as far as a long-term protocol, what you recommend is fine, yes, keeping the person in a 24/7 care facility is necessary for 3 weeks minimum, but doing trauma healing still is risky, so there is a big concern on responsibility and I fear that most therapist wouldn't do it.