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Do you have a way to clear toxicity in the primary cell or in the body in general? (I guess aside from associational trauma leading to wanting the toxicity)
Thank you
It can be due to the Borg toxins, overgrowth of bacterias, heavy metals, etc.
We have processes for several of those issues available to advanced therapist, clinic staffs.
So no process are publicly available to the public.
So wroking with a therapist could be useful to diagnose what is the issue in the first place causing the toxicity and if there is any toxicity.
I'm assuming that if heavy metals in the primary cell are gotten rid of, the rest of the body will follow?
Also, do you have any insight as to why so many PS processes are not mentioned/ "hidden" from the PS websites?
These processes are not conclusive, easy to do, or have potential risks, or are just plainly inefficient so they are not released to the public. We have some projects on immunology that should go out this year though.
Antonella : which toxins are you talking about specifically ?
Some toxins are generated by bad bacterias and fungus in the gut. Currently, we don't have solutions for this, but diet, supplements and other protocols can re-balance gut flora.
Heavy metals can be the problem, however we don't have a good fix for them yet. You can find chelation protocols in functional medicine, but this can have severe side-effects.
In any case, have you looked into chlorella, green clay, or active charcoal ? They are great at detoxifying the gut.
In all cases, we must understand and identify the cause of the problem before prescribing the solution. Managing symptoms and eliminating the underlying cause are two different things. But biology is so complex, it takes us years to move forward on any given topic.