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Hello everyone

After reading Dr. McFetridge's books and the institute's literature, I'm really curious to why there isn't a Beauty Way process available to clients? This particular state seems to be one of the main driving forces and personal inspiration behind Dr. McFetridge's lifelong quest into understanding the true nature of consciousness, exceptional human experience, holistic trauma healing and what not. It seems to me that Dr. McFetridge and his fellow colleagues throughout the years have amassed a great deal of research findings and trauma healing techniques not to mention giving themselves, students, and clientele a multitude of different peak states but as far as I know no Beauty Way process is available. Based on the description and characteristics of this particular state of being, I would assume it would be very popular for most people especially the "seeking enlightenment" crowd although it doesn't sound like actual "enlightenment" or far from it. I know several people who spent tens of thousands of dollars on seminars and workshops seeking states like this, it sounds like the institute can actually give what some of these people are looking for and to me that's pretty phenomenal not to mention extremely valuable in my opinion.
At some point the research team developped an experimental process for it, but few people were getting the state and even fewer were able to have the state stable and permanent.
So it's still in research.
The Beauty way state is far from a regular peak state as you seems to have noticed
It involve a lot of things and biology wise there is still specific elements of it to be understood and to develop a proper process for it.
So it can be difficult to determine which peak states you have.
That's also the reason why we have a list of peak states with descriptions on how people experience them.
To help people determine which peak states they have.
But there are many more peak states than just the ones we have listed here on the website.
Also we can have some a peak state (or several) partially, meaning we don't experience the full range and all the characteristics of a peak state (until we have it fully).
I agree about the testimonials, I know that us therapists and clinic staff, we post testimonials on our own website.
So that could be one way for you/people to read testimonials.
But I agree, having some here would be more practical indeed.
Also about people sharing about their peak states, it can be risky for them, by being attacked and making them lose their peak states.
"If there is no way to identify the person sharing.." - well, the very sharing itself can be a way to identify (gain access to) the person. To connect with the author of a text is doable with a sufficient skill level. More text easier, little text harder - but possible.
I was simply not thinking that most people would go this extent and attack someone peak state/ability.
Following your comment, then an anonymous testimonial that is edited a bit will make the task harder, near impossible.