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Heart Shutdown and Evil Choice
Here's a man talking about a Rockfel, from an outside standpoint it seems like "these people" have both a Heart Shutdown state and a choice for Evil
Is there a way for you, having so many peak states like looking into primary cell etc, to treat "them" (you know who I mean) for that?
The world would really need that...
Thank you
And in the Institute we respect that.
For example, if you are not feeling peaceful, calm and light in your body when thinking about those people, then it's your traumas that are currently dictating your way of feeling and thinking.
For the Good and Evil choice, that's an old discovery that is not so much relevant anymore.
Healing this event don't allow you to choose Good or Evil.
At the time we thought that was the solution to get rid of Evil in people, but it's not not.
But this event can improve the overall state of the person healing it.
Unfortunately, with a better understanding of the primary cell model and of developmental events, several things from the Vol 1 and 2 are osbsolete now.
Yeah, healing all of humanity at once and healing specific people remotely are not the same thing. Very different.
Healing someone against their consent could turn to a fateful fate, we might get things worse without realizing it, or hurt ourselve and lose a state. I see 'spiritual people' hurting themselves or others this way all the time, and they end up with long lasting severe problems.
Yes, there are horrible things happening in the world, today. As Julien said, if you are not 100% calm, peaceful, and accepting of things, there you have a trauma. What we want is to get out of traumas, not reacting on them.
It is a difficult concept to grasp, it took me a while, but you should accept the world as it is, without any will to change it. There is more to it that I just can't explain.
It just mean you are not taking action or talking from a place of a trauma activated in your body.
Imagine you are in a conference, there is two persons on the main stage that are talking about the same topic, for example: water pollution.
- the first one is angry and is talking fast, loudly, in anger and do fast movements in the air with his arms.
- the second one is calm, and explain to all of you the issue about water pollution, and what can be done to reduce that and gives various advices/ideas.
Which one of them do you think people (including yourself) will listen the most and will follow his advices?
We cannot discuss everything here about healing techniques and all the explanations about a subject like for example: being CPL, or else.
That's what the trauma therapy training is for
Have a great day
Therefore, wanting to be a savior also maintain people in their victimization, right ?
What you can do is teach people, show them the way. Not do it for them.
I understand what you say.
Healing people one at a time is a very poor option if we want to have a global impact. So we are not counting on that for the humanity project. Now, being a therapist is nice, and throuh therapy we learn what needs to be learned for the global project but very different means with different rules will be used.
So, yes, we intend to complete the project and then apply it, don't worry, we are working hard on that.
And I'm not sure "teaching" will be part of the equation.
For now, we don't know how to heal the real deep stuff that matters most. We are getting there. Let's be patient and hopeful the research team will have breakthroughs soon