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Have you had any success or tips on treating gallstones with trauma therapy? I thought about anger and resentment at first but I have worked on several anger resentment issues but it didn't seem to make any difference on the stones or biliary mud. Thank you
Speaking just for myself, I don't know any psycho-biology treatments for gallstones.
However, there is a very effective physical method that gets rid of them quite easily. This is in contrast to the normal medical treatment that removes the gall bladder with surgery. The technique involves drinking a lot of apple juice for six days. There is maltic acid in the juice which causes the gallstones to get soft, like gelatin. On the sixth evening, you drink Epsom salts to clear the bowels, followed by olive oil with a lemon juice chaser. This causes your gall bladder to contract and expel the stones, with a little help with a body position and belly massage as it is happening. You should go online and get the specific steps if you are interested.
I tried it years ago, and was quite surprised that it not only worked, but about a hundred stones came right out! They were the most lovely emerald color, too. I can also add that the contraction of the gall bladder was a sensation that I'd never felt before in my life!
There was a warning in the writeup I had. If a stone gets stuck in the duct, you're going to get into a lot of pain, which may require surgery. The author noted that this was the normal procedure for gall stones anyway, so... When I read this, I drank a lot more apple juice each day to be sure they really got softened up.
All my best,