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I would like to share some of my experiences, hoping that maybe someone could know something about it! I experienced different states, most of the time, only one time for each state. With time and observation, i realised that before each state, i was in a complete inner peace, i was observing life around me.
One of these states made the natural light teinted in orange and i could hear at loud the people toughts.
Another state made the light turn yello and i could fell who people are in their hearts.
Another state made the light turn black and white and i could see where the attention of the other was... because a was seeing a light beem, like a flash light comming from their eyes!
In another state, i was in a compleate white space with the ability to create what i want in that emply space
i know that could sound completely crazy and i would have doubts if, each time there was people around me, and i tell them what happened and was able to determine that what i saw was true. So i know its true, i just don't know how to produce these states when i want! They just jump on me when i am in a receptive state...
So if enybody can help me or understand me, i think it may be here!
You are in the right place ! Our whole purpose is to understand those states and experiences and understand how to use and acquire them.
When we found ourselves in a relaxed enough state, we can unconsciously ignore the traumas blocking peak states, and these kind of experiences are possible. There are alsmost always temporary, though some people gain peak states by accident sometimes (but generally through a difficult ordeal, see Eckhart Tolle or Byron Katie for example).
These experiences suggests you have the ability to use your Center of Awareness in different ways when you are in those states. The CoA can "explore the world" and gain information. It could also be a Gaïa connection, but the colors make me think abou the CoA.
As you can see on the website, we have a classification of peak states that is quite specific, and sometimes people experiences doesn't fit exactly with the characteristics, so we are not sure what is happening exactly in these cases. Plus, we haven't mapped all possible states.
Did you have a feeling of bliss, or of total unconditionnal acceptance ? What you describe reminds me of the Creator / Void realms. You can find more about these realms in Grant's books. Stan Grof also describes them in "the Cosmic Game" if my memory is right.
All this stuff seems crazy at first, be the fact you experienced it makes it impossible to ignore anymore. And then, you realize that many many people have had similar or different "exceptionnal" experiences. The work of the institute is to make sense of it all.
Welcome in the world of peak states !
Well, all peak states can be had permanently. It becomes a way of living. Some of the characteristics you mentionned fall in this category of permanent peak states.
Some other experiences are transient and temporary in nature.
Are you working with Alexandre Nadeau ? A lot of his students are having peak experiences. I should write an article about how we can make them permanent.