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Hi there !
Thanks for putting on this forum, this is an exciting way of communicating

I would suggest a need for a whole philosophy category on the forum. Yes, because discoveries you made on peak states put a lot of questions on the table.
The first one I'd have on this topic is about the "Seeing the Life path" state. You state that this state give a 'vision' of choices ahead and the feeling of being "on the track" if we follow the "right" path. This induce the fact that free will doesn't exist. Hence, we don't have real choices, because they will only make us feel bad if they are not on our "Life path".
It also means there is an optimal set of choices on relationships, career, personnel orientation, etc... this is very counter-intuituive for "self help" people who are used to be said "be who you really want to be" and "choose what person you want to be".
It also implies that combined with the "Gratitude" state (and other states), basically your life happens to you easily and everything if fine. How could this be ??
I'm talking from a normal state of consciousness point of view
- The Being on Track state and Seeing the Life path ability show that their is an optimal path on life for everyone. So this path is unique regarding all the others dark variations and choices (that are mistakes). But it is very unlikely that someone is on his optimal path if one hadn't the state/ability.
Therefore, one who acquire the state find itself on his optimal path. That means, because this path is unique, that the choices he made before led him to to the right things to acquire this state. So he was on his optimal path since the beginning, he made the right choices. So everyone who acquire this state was in fact already On Track !
How could this be ? Doesn't it mean that we just get the knowledge that we are on the right track ? Then the state/ability is just reassuring, as one can have done anything before in his life. So any life path is/was the good one since it led to acquiring the state.
That also mean one can delay his work to acquire the state, it is optimum also. But if you can get it quicker, it has to be better.
For those reasons and contradictions, the state cannot really exist :-)
I'm playing the devil's advocate but I'm sure you have an answer to this paradox.
The first one I'd have on this topic is about the "Seeing the Life path"
state. You state that this state give a 'vision' of choices ahead and
the feeling of being "on the track" if we follow the "right" path. This
induce the fact that free will doesn't exist. Hence, we don't have real
choices, because they will only make us feel bad if they are not on our
"Life path".
Being on the dark path doesn't automatically mean bad choices and bad life. You can still be on the dark path and have pretty good life. But you are not going to reach your full potential that God (whatever it means) gave you/intended for you. So that's why you want to be on the bright path, to reach and use your full potential.
We know that choices are determined and fixed by trauma. So it implies that many, or most, of our choices are not free or are partially free. For example. You have an allergy to nuts. And you have a taste for ice cream. You go to ice cream store and see that they have pistachio and vanilla ice cream. Potentially there is a choice in the store. But do you really have the choice considering your condition/trauma? Not really (unless you want to choke to death in the next 10 minutes
Bright path doesn't assume lack of trauma. There is trauma on the bright path, that's why we step off of it. But we don't do it consciously, the choice of stepping off is fixed by past trauma. That's why we see the Life Path, we see the trauma, we heal it, so we don't "need" to escape.
My question would be: if you are free of trauma and can freely choose everything, can you consciously choose evil? Or, if you are free of trauma your choice of evil is completely eliminated. We may ask, why in the sky you would be interested in choosing evil, if life can be 100% good. Of course it would be the most stupid idea. I'm just interested if it would be a matter of choice to choose 100% good, or if the mechanism that allows to choose good or evil would be eliminated, so the choice becomes impossible
It also means there is an optimal set of choices on relationships,
career, personnel orientation, etc... this is very counter-intuituive
for "self help" people who are used to be said "be who you really want
to be" and "choose what person you want to be".
I think it's correct. The choices are predetermined by trauma. "Be who you really want to be" is really overrated. For example. There is a codependent wife of an abusive alcoholic, who gets beat every day. And one day she has a moment of common sense (or she read some self-help book) and she says: "I really want to be a woman who gets respect from her husband/other men". And this may be the most important thing in her life she wants to achieve. So step by step she gets there. She is who she wanted to be. Doe's this mean automatically that she reached her full potential? Doe's that mean that her idea of who she wanted to be is the same who God wanted her to be? Not at all. So most of the time the idea of who we want to be is all contextual and based on past trauma. And probably it's far from who you REALLY want to be, because who you REALLY want to be is whom God wants you to be
It also implies that combined with the "Gratitude" state (and other
states), basically your life happens to you easily and everything is
fine. How could this be ??
Just like that: easily; as it was intended
But it is very unlikely that someone is on his optimal path if one hadn't the state/ability. Therefore, one who acquire the state find itself on his optimal path. That means,
because this path is unique, that the choices he made before led him to the right things to acquire this state. So he was on his optimal path
since the beginning, he made the right choices.
Again, being on the dark path doesn't assume wrong choices in life. It's not about making right or wrong choices, but about making more optimal choices. It's like driving some old, small, unsafe car versus a newest version of Mercedes. Well, the small, old car can work for you perfectly, it will take you to places, you can even be happy with your old car! But if you have the newest model of Mercedes it will offer you more comfort, more safety, more speed, more easiness, less trouble, and it can even take you places where you couldn't go with your old small car. Now, when you are ready for a better car the opportunity will show up. Then you have to maintain your new Mercedes so you don't trash it
When you get on the bright path it doesn't necessarily mean that you will get a different life. No matter if you are on the dark or the bright path you are still on the path of YOUR unique life. You are always on the path of your life.
Saying that, it doesn't mean that when you drove a small, old car you drove a wrong car. It was just not the best one
Anyway, that's what I think
Thank you very much for answering. I think your explanation make it all clear.
Neverthless, it is still kind of puzzling to me. When you say choices are in fact activated by trauma, it lead to the fact that when someone as healed all his traumas, can he still make choices ? I mean, do he still have the capacity to make mistakes ? This is kind of hard for me as I think there are "good" mistakes, and one have to be in alignement with his core values. But I guess being in alignement with you values makes you following the bright path
Also, I guess I have a reaction when you say "being on the bright life path is being on the life God intended to you. It reminds me of when I quited my former christian religion to become an atheist, because I thought to myself "I won't let God choose for me, I don't care, I'll make my own choices." But it is only personnal to me.
Because there will be differences for someone who acquire this state/ability at 50 and someone who acquire it at 25. Also, there will be differences in adjustments depending on your previous choices : if you were far away from your optimal path, you are going to work more to be on it, comparing to someone who made better choices in his life.
This discussion bring strange questions on the table. I know my questions are a little mind-twisted (we French love to think too much).
Another christian-like statement is "He died because God wanted it back now". I can say that if I discover my Optimal Life path brings me the death at, say 60 years old, how can I ever follow it ? It'd rather make less optimal choices and live till 80. What do you think ?
Neverthless, it is still kind of puzzling to me. When you say choices
are in fact activated by trauma, it lead to the fact that when someone
as healed all his traumas, can he still make choices ? I mean, do he
still have the capacity to make mistakes ? This is kind of hard for me
as I think there are "good" mistakes, and one have to be in alignement
with his core values.
Sure, he can make choices
path is being on the life God intended to you. It reminds me of when I
quited my former christian religion to become an atheist, because I
thought to myself "I won't let God choose for me, I don't care, I'll
make my own choices." But it is only personal to me.
It sounds like you quit some dysfunctional fixed beliefs about God, and all I can say is, good for you!!! Probably you rebelled against some other human beings who tried to convince you they knew what's "God's plan" for you?
What I mean is this power that created you with all the love and passion. It wants your best. It knows your best. It knows your full potential. It is part of you, and you are part of it. However trauma causes separation or partial separation from it. So we don't even know what is our best. We build all kinds of convictions and beliefs (always based on trauma) about ourselves and we defend it like lions
path changes ? I mean, is there only one way that is optimal for your
whole life, or does the path change as your life goes on ?
Hmm, I'm not sure what you mean. The path is a journey that is different every day, so it's constantly different. I think it's not important WHAT happens on your path; it's important that whatever happens is optimal
Because there will be differences for someone who acquire this
state/ability at 50 and someone who acquire it at 25. Also, there will
be differences in adjustments depending on your previous choices : if
you were far away from your optimal path, you are going to work more to
be on it, comparing to someone who made better choices in his life.
Sure, there will be differences. But you can't compare paths of two different people. They will be always different no matter what. I think the question is how much trauma everybody was born with...? That's what makes the difference in being on path, amount of work one has to do, how good choices one is capable of making etc.
I don't know much about this christian-like statement. Maybe it would be good to look at your attachment to your life
I'm not sure what a "good life" means... I think that you can be a garbage collector and be on your optimal life path... I think it's about living the way you feel euphoric about, and not about living up to some social standards. Because if you do something that is commonly considered great, like a wonderful career, and it's not on your optimal life path, you may not feel good about it deep down in your soul...
As far as I know Gaia gives us according to our limitations. I have no idea if being on optimal path means more trauma to be healed. But I know that living for years with consequences of trauma is much much more difficult than a moment of healing that trauma
For now, the institute approach the Being on Track state is to do gain the Seeing the Life path ability, and then to heal everything trauma which can be found on it. Then, you should have a peak experience of the state, that you can stabilize with the State-to-Experience technique. But there also should be Gaïa commands to access the developmental event for this state, isn't it ?
I am still a bit puzzled with this state, because I am failing at stabilizing it.
Does this state change the way your are driving your life ? Or does it only change the feeling you have about your life ?
I mean : does it influence the decisions you make ?
as far as I know the Being on Track state is one of the few if not only example of those states that dont seem to be stable. See the description on the Peak States list on (
'Being on Track' state
• Characteristics: The state has a strong feeling of euphoria (not
manic). The feeling one gets when at one's best, and the sense that
nothing can go wrong. A sense of knowing who you are and if activities match and fit who you are.
• Cause: The feeling occurs when the person is on their optimum life's path. This state may have some Gaia involvement also.
• Comments: As far as we know, this is not a state in the normal sense - our current process requires us to continually heal relevant trauma to stay on the optimal course through life. However, it is likely that there is a way to make staying on the optimum path automatic, and thus it would meet our definition of a state.
• Frequency: Not yet determined.