Happy New Year everyone!
I was wondering, once you have taken care of your trauma, primary cell fungus, what else is essential to living a self-actualized life?
Clearing negative beliefs? Shadow-work? And can peak states therapy be used for these purposes?
I think the personal development world is also guilty of the same things it accuses advertisers of doing - Exploiting our artificial deficiencies or lack of happiness to sell us more crap. i.e. You aren't happy because you don't have what we are selling. So, I'm trying to get to the essentials of what humans need in order to live a full life. There are soooo many types of therapies and they all say you need them. You need to clear your chakras, realign your soul, retrieve your soul, remember your soul, regress to a past life, receive an attunement of never-ending levels, heal your DNA, activate your DNA strands, wear crystals, balance your energy field, reconnect to the grid of the earth, clear the energy in your home/room, retrieve your power animal, activate your merkaba, do a galactic activation, and that's the short list!

So again, what is the basic map that we can all use?
So yes healing all of this is possible with trauma and Peak States therapy.
I would answer to your first question (as my own perception): as just to live, to experience life freely and have a real possibility of creating your own future.
Does peak states therapy do any belief clearing type of work? Or is that unnecessary if you clear your trauma?
But the goal for one person is not to heal all of his traumas (because one life is maybe too short to do it), but it's to only heal what is preventing your happiness and growth as an individual.
Healing traumas allow you to get Peak States back, and some permament.
That's a trauma.
Sometimes there core trauma that for people it feels like, this is the way it is/life is, and with no emotion when saying it.
CuriousGeorge, your question is at the heart of our research. What is the basic map that covers all these phenomena? And why are there all these techniques (assuming they actually do something for at least some people)? If you look at the techniques we teach, they start with trauma techniques and move on to what we call 'special cases'. They exist because there are a LOT of problems people can have - and they are all based on biological problems inside the cell.
But this still doesn't address the real problem. Why do people have these issues in the first place? Why are not people born in amazing states of being, and keep them? The reason turned out to be due to various types of subcellular pathogens inside the primary cell. Much of our work is about finding treatments for individual pathogens, but the real issue is more fundamental - why are people infected at all? We believe that we now know why, but we don't have any way to fix what we've found. Yet. So that is where we are at presently.
Going back to your original question, from my perspective, we can only patch up some of the issues people have. From other people's perspective, we can often do miracles. Why this difference in viewpoint? Because we know what is possible - but most people are simply trying to have a better life based on the one they have now.
I have been working for many years to do what I consider fundamental change in people, but we're not there yet. So, we do things a piece at a time, and encourage people to elsewhere also. What you are seeing here is a new technology being born, but it is not yet able to do what we want it to do. Yet.
I would like to add to what's been answered by Julien and Grant already.
To me, peak states work is the ultimate way of doing shadow work.
Because we work on the most profound unconscious elements of our psyche/body, and we are trying to reach level of development that are mostly unheard of in most therapies I've known about. Just look at our list of identified peak states ! Where else would you hear of such things ? And we are going even further...